Saturday, 19 September 2009

The Daily Forecaster: GBP/JPY

Price: 149.59 Bias: While 149.75-85 caps I countenance for additional losses to 148.25

Daily Bullish

As expected we have seen losses which reached the 149.63-91 support but this farewell has seen extension to 149.22. The early I crapper wager some variety of decent rebuke is from 148.25. Even then this module be for a rebuke exclusive but could rise backwards towards the 149.75-85 area. However, that is far as I would expect. Thus, some bullish attitude is feat to order a fortuity above 149.85-00 and exclusive if seen would I countenance for a feat backwards towards 150.00 and 150.23-44 with the 151.18 high the incoming resistance.

Medium Term Bullish

18th September: The scheme is bearish and likely to rest so. There could be digit opportunity around 148.25 for a feat backwards to 149.75-85. Only backwards above 150 is feat to earmark a retest at 151.18. Above there sees 152.16.

Daily Bearish

I rest bearish and wager some feat from this morning's 149.22 baritone stalling at 149.75-85. From here countenance for losses backwards to 149.22 - mayhap a small rebuke and then finished to 148.25. I conceive this module hold for a rebuke but also note the 147.67-81 support. If I am criminal and we just keep sight losses then beneath 147.48-67 would direct 146.58.

Medium Term Bearish

18th September: With the 151.18 status retentive I wager the important content as lower, initially to 148.25 and after to 147.67-81รข€¦ However, this haw substantially be the most we wager for now

Resistance 149.75-85 150.23-44 150.86 151.18 151.73 152.16 Support 149.22 148.63 148.25 147.67-81 147.48 146.58

Ian Copsey FX-Forecaster

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